Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Syrian Electronic Army Hits Thomson Reuters Twitter Feed

Thomson Reuters SEA Hack

The Thomson Reuters Twitter account is the latest target of hackers from the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA).

Last night, the @ThomsonReuters Twitter account was infiltrated and the SEA tweeted Syria-related tweets with photos and pro-Syria hashtags.

The account appears to have returned to normal this morning, with no mention of the hack. But the SEA took responsibility on its website.

"The Syrian Electronic Army hacked today the official account of Thomson Reuters and published some truth about what is really hapenning [sic] in Syria. The account was suspended after less than hour," the SEA wrote.

The Syrian Electronic Army emerged in September. The hackers reportedly started attacking Western websites in retaliation for Innocence of Muslims, an anti-Islamic video that resulted in violent demonstrations in the Middle East. They have since been targeting news sites they believe are reporting news hostile to the Syrian government, including the Financial Times, The Guardian, the BBC, and even The Onion.

This is not the first time Reuters has been targeted over its Syria coverage. A year ago, Reuters briefly shuttered its @ReutersTech Twitter feed after it was used to send fake tweets regarding Syrian rebels.

Shortly thereafter, the Reuters website was hacked and a false story was posted, which said Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal had died.

Last week, the SEA also went after messaging apps Tango and Viber, which the group claims are used to spy on its users. "The SEA downloaded some of the app databases And after we gain access to some systems of that app, it was clear for us that the purpose of this app is spying and tracking of its users," the SEA said about Viber.

Last month, Saudi Arabia blocked Viber because, according to regulators, it is difficult to monitor and takes revenue away from large telecom firms.

For more, check out SEA Hacks Tango; Is Your Site Next?


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Time Warner Cable raises Internet modem fees for customers

(Reuters) - Time Warner Cable said on Monday it has started notifying customers that it is raising the monthly fees to rent modems from the cable company.

Subscribers on Time Warner's Cable's most popular Internet plan began paying $3.95 a month last November to lease a modem. The fee will rise to $5.99 a month starting in the next billing cycle for customers.

The higher rate could generate an additional $150 million in revenue this year, according to ISI analyst Vijay Jayant. Time Warner Cable has roughly 12 million customers.

A Time Warner Cable spokesman said the fee was raised because of the "cost associated with providing the modem." Customers who buy higher-end packages will not be affected by the change.

Time Warner Cable said customers can opt out by purchasing a modem that is compatible with the Time Warner system, it and provided a list of approved equipment.

Other cable companies such as No. 1 U.S. operator Comcast and Cox charge modem fees between $7 and $8 per month, Jayant said.

(Reporting by Liana B. Baker; Editing by Leslie Adler)


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HCN Junior Golf Tournament Wednesday

July 30, 2013

The third Hood County News Junior Golf Tournament of the summer will be played Wednesday (July 31) at Hidden Oaks beginning at 11:30 a.m. The final tournament in the four-part series will be Aug. 14-15, with the top eight in the Boys and Girls 15-18 age groups meeting in a match-play tournament to determine the overall Hood County champion. Others will play medal play Aug. 14.

Category: Sports Updates


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Computer scientists develop 'mathematical jigsaw puzzles' to encrypt software

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Computer science experts have designed a system to encrypt software so that it only allows someone to use a program as intended while preventing any deciphering of the code behind it. This is known in computer science as "software obfuscation," and it is the first time it has been accomplished.


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Google launches Views, a community site for contributing Android?s photo spheres to Google Maps

Google today announced the launch of a new community site called Views. The new service serves one main purpose: it?s a place to publicly share your photo spheres to Google Maps.

If you need a refresher, Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and above comes with a photo sphere camera that lets you snap photos in any direction and piece them together into 360? panoramas that Google calls ?photo spheres.? You can then view these on your phone, share them to Google+, add them to Google Maps, and even post them on your own website.

Below is a screenshot of the new Google Maps for desktop with a photo sphere (notice the thumbnails at the bottom that show all the photo coverage, with each image placed on the map):

maps photo sphere kailua 730x388 Google launches Views, a community site for contributing Androids photo spheres to Google Maps

To add your own, you?ll need to sign into the Views site with your Google+ profile. Next, click the blue camera button on the top right of the page and import your existing photo spheres from your Google+ photos, or tap ?Share? in Android?s Gallery app and select Google Maps.

On Views, you get your own page which shows all your photo spheres and lets you add descriptions about the place you?ve visited. You can also explore your uploads on a map.

Evan Rapoport, Product Manager of Google Maps & Photo Sphere, has shared his own Views page and corresponding map as an example:

views evan 730x394 Google launches Views, a community site for contributing Androids photo spheres to Google Maps

Understandably, there isn?t that much content on Views yet, so Google has added the Street View Gallery to compensate: it features panoramas of the company?s most popular Street View collections. You can access it on any Views page by hitting the ?Explore? button at the top.

It?s not clear why Google chose to launch Views now, as opposed to when photo spheres first came out. A pessimist would say the company expected a bigger response but didn?t get it, so Views is an attempt to boost the feature?s popularity, while an optimist would argue Views was planned to launch when more Android users could take advantage of it. Either way, Views is a clever way to crowdsource more content onto Google Maps.

See also ? Google expands photo sphere viewing from Android and Google+ to the Web with new widget and Android 4.2 users can contribute their photo sphere images to Google Maps

Top Image Credit: Colby Brown


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Vegetarians Going Vegan?A Growing Trend

russell_brand_kristen_bellOver the past few years, it seems to me that many longtime vegetarians are deciding to become vegans. Perhaps this is a reflection of the growing popularity of veganism due to documentaries such as Forks Over Knives, and bestselling books including The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone and?Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. Or maybe it?s because vegetarians have come to the realization that the cruelty to laying hens and animals exploited for their milk is just as horrendous as killing animals for their meat.

Two major celebrities who recently made the switch from vegetarianism to veganism are Russell Brand and Kristen Bell.

Russell Brand has been a vegetarian since age 14, and a vegan since October 2011.



?Even as a junkie I stayed true (to vegetarianism)-?I shall have heroin, but I shan?t have a hamburger.? What a sexy little paradox.?




At ?age 11, Kristen Bell became a vegetarian. She became vegan in January 2012.



?I have always been an animal lover. I had a hard time disassociating the animals I cuddled with-dogs and cats, for example-from the animals on my plate, and I never really cared for the taste of meat. I always loved my brussel sprouts.?


I figured that Russell and Kristen were way too busy to let me interview them, so I decided to interview my brother, Matt, who was a vegetarian for 26 years until recently deciding to go vegan. Matt is one of the nicest, most interesting, and honest people I know (he takes after me, LOL!). In my opinion, his transformation after making the switch from vegetarian to vegan was nothing short of stunning. Please note that Matt admits to not maintaining an especially healthy diet until he became a vegan, and his lifestyle change also included exercise. I hope you enjoy this interview with my happy and healthy vegan brother.

My brother, Matt, approximately one year into his vegan lifestyle?


ME: How long have you been a vegan, Matt?

MATT:?I?ve been a vegan for 13 months, and before that I was a vegetarian for 26 years.

ME: Do you mind my asking you how old you are now?

MATT: Don?t you know? ;) ? Going to be 57 next month.

ME: Of course I know, wise ass. I?m just trying to establish a background for the readers. Anyway, how old were you when you became a vegetarian?

MATT: 30 years old.

ME: I recall you being an extremely picky eater as a child. In fact, your entire food repertoire consisted of hamburgers and hot dogs, if memory serves. How good is my memory?

MATT: You left out pizza!

ME:?I certainly did! Moving on, what were your reasons for becoming a vegetarian?

MATT: I was always aware that I was eating a dead animal, and though I ate meat I?ve always been slightly repulsed by it on some level. That?s the core of it. Health, politics, morality, and animal rights were secondary, I?m embarrassed to say, but whatever gets you into it, right?? I only ate beef ? no other kind of flesh. I started to realize how easy it would be to simply give up meat altogether. I was savvy enough to realize that I had to seriously reevaluate my eating habits if I wanted to get proper nutrition. I began in the mid-1980s, when there was a lot less good info than what is available now. I read that I needed to mix certain foods like legumes and grains at every meal in order to get the complete protein to replace meat. It?s now understood to be a lot easier than that to get proper nutrition. Although I worked at that, I can?t say that I ate correctly in many other ways.

ME: Ah, yes? you became vegetarian because of ?the gross factor.? That?s as good a reason as any. Can you describe, as best as you can, what your typical diet was like when you were a vegetarian?

MATT: Unfortunately, I didn?t maintain an especially healthy diet ? until I became a vegan. I ate a lot of cheese, pasta, fattening foods. My diet was not especially well balanced, and I didn?t cook for the first 15 years, so I always ate out. I?ve never been a big dessert guy, but I often ate huge portions of my main dishes, always with a soda. Not a good thing.

ME:?I appreciate your honesty. What were your favorite foods when you were a vegetarian?

MATT: Spaghetti, pizza, Indian food, Mexican food, pizza, Thai food, beer, soft drinks, pizza, pizza, and pizza. Actually, I still love those things, but with alterations.

ME: Did you have any health issues as a vegetarian?

MATT: Yes. Some diet-related problems were obesity, borderline high cholesterol, high blood pressure. I was pre-diabetic. I was living proof that vegetarianism doesn?t keep you thin and healthy, if anyone is under that illusion. And, of course, it didn?t help that my exercise routine was inconsistent, at best.

ME: Not a pretty picture. Again, I thank you for your honesty. So, you have been vegan for 13 months now, right?

MATT: Yup.

ME: What inspired you to make the leap from vegetarianism to veganism?

MATT: A couple of factors:

Last May I arrived at a point in my life when I was at my heaviest ever and I felt horrible. Just totally uncomfortable in my body. My friend Ted told me about the Blueprint juice cleanse, which he was doing. I?m not a believer in crash diets and special cleanses, but it sounded like an appealing way to kickstart a healthy lifestyle change. It involved relatively fresh juices that were flash pasteurized. Expensive as hell, but paying all that money made me feel like I was making a serious commitment. I kept it up for four days.

The other factor was you. You had successfully changed over to a vegan diet, and you suggested I try it for a few days or longer to see how I felt. I took your challenge, and I think you were a bit surprised to find out I stayed with it.

The bottom line is I didn?t merely change over to veganism. My mindset was to permanently change my lifestyle to become healthy and to eat as well as I could. I started exercising three to four times a week. I didn?t want to think of this as going on a diet, because diets end. I meant for it to be a permanent lifestyle change, so I had to find a way to eat that allowed me to be satisfied for the rest of my life.

ME: I was actually quite surprised that you stayed with veganism. Pleasantly surprised! I like the way you describe the change as a lifestyle change, as opposed to a diet. Did you find the transition to be difficult?

MATT: Surprisingly, not at all. The juice thing was a great way to launch the change. I?ve found that when you eat a well-thought-out, well-balanced diet, you become satisfied with proper portions of food. ?Proper? is pretty small compared with the portions I used to eat. I?ve enjoyed cooking as an occasional sport over the years, but now I cook a lot, and I?ve become pretty good at it. When you enjoy your own cooking, it makes it easy to stick to a healthy diet. You can control everything you put in your mouth. A novel concept after all the years I brought home my meals from outside.

ME: I agree that you?ve become quite a good cook. I love your stir-fries, homemade pizzas, and sorbets. Could you talk about all of the dietary changes you made when you went from being a vegetarian to a vegan, in addition to nixing the dairy?

MATT: Obviously no more eggs or dairy. Lots of tofu (though I probably eat more processed tofu products than I should). I eat a lot less sugar, white flour. I traded white rice for brown or brown basmati and various whole grains. I still eat a lot of the ?ethnic? food that I love. I go to the farmers market in town and buy fresh fruit and vegetables. I eat lots of beans and nuts. I bought a juicer. I also take a couple of Garden of Life Vitamin Code multivitamins for ?50 and Wiser Men? twice a day. Plus I drink a lot of filtered water and tea.

ME: Sounds excellent! Have you felt differently at all since you made these changes?

MATT: Big time.

ME: How so?

MATT: I feel physically comfortable, and I like the way I look a lot more these days. I have a lot more energy. I sleep better. I actually feel euphoric sometimes. I think my mental acuity is sharper (or maybe it was so dull to start with that it just seems that way?). I just feel healthier overall!

ME:?Did the condition of your health change in any way since you made the change?

MATT: It changed dramatically. I lost weight in a slow and healthy way, over a period of about 10 months. I dropped from 224 lbs to 178 lbs, and have maintained the latter weight for about 3 months. (I?m ready to lose more, though.) My total cholesterol dropped from 199 to under 150 in the first three months of my new health regimen. All of the red danger flags I had on my blood work disappeared. My sleep apnea has significantly improved. Allergies ? which I?ve had ever since I can remember ? have pretty much disappeared: I no longer need my Zyrtec and Clarinex pills. And I haven?t gotten sick at all. I attribute all of this to the one-two punch of changing my diet and getting regular exercise.

ME: It seems almost too good to be true! Are you finding it harder to be a vegan than a vegetarian?

MATT: Not really. It?s a learning curve that requires a bit of discipline. But that applies to anything that you?re striving to achieve, I guess. I?m having a lot of fun cooking, which I find very rewarding on a number of levels. So that makes it easier.

ME: Are you enjoying the foods you are eating as a vegan?

MATT: Very much.

ME: Do you have any favorite vegan eateries or restaurants?

MATT: Veggie Heaven in Montclair, NJ, and Denville, NJ. I like Candle 79, Franchia and Blossom in NYC too. And Maoz falafel!

ME: Those are my faves too! Do you have any favorite guilty vegan pleasures (and I?m talking about food!)?

MATT: The scallion pancakes at Veggie Heaven ? deep fried. Guilty, guilty, guilty.

ME: What are some of your favorite meals that you prepare for yourself at home?

MATT: I make homemade lentil or veggie burgers with sweet potato ?fries? (i.e. baked). Lots of stir-fries and sauteed veggies. Thai and Indian dishes. Soups ? hard to screw those up. Pasta sauces from scratch. Kale chips. I?m always trying out cookbook recipes, and I?ve developed my own. I improvise a lot, and am almost always happy with the results. Also, I got some great recipes from your website.

ME: Thanks, Matt. Do you mind if we talk about your being vegan in the world of dating?

MATT: Uh oh. Nope ? don?t mind.

ME: Great. Do you find being vegan to be a hindrance at all to your dating life?

MATT: I didn?t think so until recently. I asked a woman I was dating for a few months about what she thought when we first started seeing each other. What issues influenced how our relationship would progress. She said she seriously considered the possibility that my being vegan would be a deal-breaker. She was a carnivore, and she didn?t like that I wasn?t. I didn?t have the same problem with her being a meat-eater, even though I felt it would be preferable if we had vegetarianism in common.

ME: Wow! That?s quite interesting! How did you deal with these issues?

MATT: In this particular case, we cooked a vegan meal together. Which was fun and romantic. Generally, I choose to eat in restaurants where my date and I can both eat whatever we want. If you?re going to date a non-vegan, you?re obliged to live and let live.

ME: And many people say that vegans are pushy and preachy. You are clearly not either of those things. Let?s talk about the rest of your lifestyle. Okay?

MATT: Okay.

ME: You have not worn shoes, belts, or other clothing containing animal products for many years, even before you became vegan. Is that correct?

MATT: I did my best. It was very difficult to find a faux-leather belt, or some other material, that was suitable for the workplace, and I wore man-made shoes long enough to royally screw up my feet. At that point I?m sorry to say I caved in and bought leather shoes for a short period. Eventually I was able to find cruelty-free shoes that worked for me.

ME: Sorry about your feet. But the vegan shoes now available have come a long way. We?ll meet and go shopping at Moo Shoes downtown soon. Don?t be sorry about caving in with the leather shoes. In my opinion, veganism is not about perfection.?For how many years, approximately, did you mostly abstain from using animal products?

MATT: I made a solid effort to use cruelty-free products for as long as I?ve been a vegetarian.

ME: Was this difficult for you?

MATT: It was very difficult. I had to learn the ?code? of the ingredients in shampoos, soaps, etc. I avoided companies that tested on animals, so there was all that to be aware of. These things are a lot more transparent now.

ME: I admire you and respect you for your efforts over such a long period of time. Do you now have any favorite, comfortable cruelty-free shoes that you wear which you could recommend?

MATT: For casual wear I love the Crocs Santa Cruz canvas loafers. Lightweight and super comfortable. They?re about $55 and totally worth it. I have about 4 pairs in different colors. The style might not be for everybody though. Haven?t found a formal/business shoe that I?d especially recommend.,default,pd.html?cid=261&q=santa%20cruz

ME: Again, you need to visit Moo Shoes or The Brave Gentlemen Shop online, but thanks for the casual shoe recommendation. How do you feel now that you are 13 months into your vegan diet or, rather, your vegan lifestyle?

MATT: Great!

ME: Do you believe that you will be vegan for the rest of your life?

MATT: I do.

ME: For any of our vegetarian readers out there, would you recommend that they make the leap to becoming vegan?

MATT: I would. Cheese and eggs are replaceable. As regular VAP readers know, there are great cheese alternatives such as Daiya and Go Veggie! I make great veggie burgers without using eggs. It can be tough going to restaurants with friends, but it?s also tough as a vegetarian. You learn to make adjustments. I feel so much better physically that at the end of the day it?s really not a hard choice.

ME:?For the record, Matt, on the many occasions when you came to my home for holidays and celebrations before I was a vegan, did I have enough decent vegetarian foods for you to eat?

MATT: Always! Even before you were vegan. Generally speaking, I?ve found that it?s always a good idea to let your host know what your diet is, or remind them, so they won?t be surprised or offended when you don?t eat. I usually tell them not to go to extra trouble, but that?s a bit disingenuous since I?m an invited guest and they?re going to want to cater to me.

ME:?I never appreciated your commitment to vegetarianism until I became a vegan. For most of my life, being a fashion diva was more important to me than abstaining from the use of animal products. I feel really badly about that now. For the record, will you now forgive me for being somewhat dismissive of your vegetarianism during the years before I became a vegan, and understand that I may have been sleepwalking through my life at that time?

MATT: I never took it that way, but if you need to do a mea culpa, feel free.

ME: Thanks, I need to do a mea culpa. What the hell is a mea culpa, anyway? For the record, Matt, on a scale of 1 to 10, how great are my vegan homemade tempeh reubens?

MATT: I?d put it on a scale of one to DAMN. It would be a DAMN!

ME: Love that answer,. I have to remember to post that recipe. What about some of the other vegan foods I make for you such as my Split Pea Soup?

MATT: Love it. Glad you don?t make it with the fake ham flavor. Don?t like that. Can?t think of a meal you made that I didn?t like. (Do I get invited to your Thanksgiving now?)

ME: Yes, you are invited. I?m sure you knew that you would never be invited over to my home again if you didn?t answer my questions the way I wanted you to.

MATT: Now you tell me!

ME:?Ha ha.

ME: You are an awesome musician. Can you tell us a little bit about your band Empro Express?

MATT: The Empro Express Big Soul Band is a classic soul/R&B band that plays around the NY area. At the moment we have 14 pieces, so it?s a pretty big sound. We cover Motown and Stax and other ?60s soul. I?m one of two guitarists.?

ME: Tell me about the vocalists that appear with Empro.

MATT: We have variety show of sorts, where our different singers take a particular song. They back each other up, sing solo, duets ? it?s mix and match, and the audiences seem to enjoy the format. We have a great bunch of guys who when apart from the band are called Spank. They do a cappella tunes on cruise ships, Atlantic City, corporate affairs. They made it to Vegas in the latest season of America?s Got Talent. Sandra Taylor is a multiple winner of Showtime at the Apollo, and Norman Davis is a phenomenal singer who?s been with us for years. Finally, we have Danny Smalls, aka Geechie Dan, our own Otis Redding. Danny was recently featured in a NY Times article. He?s appearing as a singer in a movie coming out this November which stars Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whittaker, Angela Bassett and Morgan Freeman.

ME: I love Empro Express and its colorful cast of characters. I was so disappointed when Spank got cut last week from America?s Got Talent after making it through four rounds. Does Empro Express have any upcoming appearances scheduled?

MATT: Nothing on the immediate horizon, though we just played at Lucille?s Grill at BB King?s club in Times Square. We?ve also recently played the main room at BB?s, Connelly?s in Times Square, and a great venue called City Winery.

ME: I really enjoyed Empro?s last City Winery appearance. Do you think Empro will be playing at the New York City Marathon again this year?

MATT: I sure hope so. We?ve played at the Columbus Circle station for the past few years, as well as at the Finish Line. It?s always a lot of fun ? very inspiring for us, and hopefully for the runners. Especially when we play ?25 Miles?!

ME: I?m sure it is! Thank you for the interview Matt, and for letting me post this video clip of Empro Express, one of my all-time favorite soul bands.

MATT: Thanks, Debby!

ME: Namaste!


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Monday, July 22, 2013

Job Hunting? 170+ Openings at Sony, Edelman and More

Unemployed, underemployed or somewhere in between? The Mashable Job Board is here to help.

Since 2005, Mashable has been dedicated to providing the hottest digital, social and tech news to our readership of 25 million and counting. Top companies know you excel in the digital world, so they come to Mashable to find the best and brightest minds. New jobs ? including ones exclusive to us ? are added every day to the Mashable Job Board. Take a look.

Below, we've gathered 10 recently posted positions. Keep coming back to the Mashable Job Board for new openings, and don't forget to read our Job Search Series for advice on how to achieve your dream job.

Position: Ad Operations Associate
Company: Everyday Health Inc.
Location: New York, N.Y.

Have you ever wondered how online ads are delivered to web sites? As an Advertising Operations Associate, youre responsible for trafficking, monitoring, and troubleshooting issues for advertising campaigns across our portfolio of web sites. The goal is to not only ensure that ads arrive safely, but to reach optimal performance.

Position: Customer Service Associate
Company: HowAboutWe
Location: Brooklyn, N.Y.

In this Customer Service Associate role, you'll be the lead support agent listening and helping users on HowAboutWe Dating. In addition to solving tickets and managing site integrity with the rest of the support team, you'll be responsible for escalated tickets, articulating community needs within the company, and building plans for customer service initiatives. Your responsibilities will be part hands-on tickets, part escalated challenges, part systems-building.

Position: Director Brand Communications - Training
Company: Reebok
Location: Canton, Mass.

Reebok is currently seeking a Director of Brand Communications to create and execute globally and locally relevant marketing and communication programs for our Training category that positions Reebok as a leader in fitness. Develop the category's marketing and communication strategy based on the business goals and priorities, support the development of category positioning and more.-

Position: VP/Digital Account Director
Company: Weber Shandwick
Location: New York, N.Y.

We're seeking a dynamic, experienced digital marketing leader to develop strategy and execute it effectively as a VP/Account Director in our New York office. This VP will be responsible for digital and social content creation, community management, and platform design and development for major accounts. We're looking for an individual who can guide clients through the ever-evolving digital and social media landscape, advising on digital initiatives and directing a growing staff of social media consultants.

Position: Analyst, Digital Ad Sales
Company: Viacom Media Networks
Location: New York, N.Y.

The Digital Ad Sales Research Analyst provides qualitative and quantitative Research support for Digital Sales of the Viacom Entertainment Group digital properties. These include the digital and mobile properties related to Comedy Central, Spike, Game Trailers, TV Land, CMT and Logo. The ideal candidate is a team player that will responsible for analyzing digital and convergent research data in order to effectively position these brands in the advertising marketplace.

Position: Manager, Finance Operations- Colorworks and Post Production
Company: Sony Pictures Digital
Location: Culver City, Calif.

The Finance Operations Manager will lead process documentation, training and change management efforts for core business processes related to Colorworks and Post Production. This position is responsible for financial oversight of bidding, resource planning, project accounting, financial reporting and ad-hoc analysis.

Position: Creative Director
Company: Edelman
Location: Atlanta, Ga.

Edelman is the world's largest public relations firm. The ideal candidate has a robust portfolio and can own a room whether its presenting to a senior marketing manager, CMO or other senior leaders. The Creative Director will operate in close partnership with an energized, fast moving team. You would manage a unique creative staff, as well as multiple freelancers and partners.

Position: New Media Coordinator
Company: The Miami Heat
Location: Miami, Fla.

The Miami Heat is seeking to hire a New Media Coordinator who has worked on highly successful social media campaigns in the past. This is a full time position dedicated to the promotion of The Miami Heat via Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the social media universe. The ideal candidate will have experience representing a brands social media presence, have great writing skills and a vast knowledge of basketball.

Position: Community Engagement and Social Media Specialist
Company: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Location: Berkeley, Calif.

The Community Engagement and Social Media Specialist is responsible for assisting in the development, design and implementation of a compelling, social-media based, science-engagement campaign that promotes the problem-solving and public education mission of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The primary goal will be to build new and leverage existing online communities, while helping to set overall social media priorities, and to impart those engagement and community-building skills and innovative tactics to communications colleagues throughout the Laboratory.

Position: Lead Experience Designer
Company: Atlassian
Location: San Francisco, Calif.

At Atlassian we develop products and services in teams of designers, product owners and engineers. Within this team you'll have the opportunity to lead the experience design practice in our San Francisco office across product and service designers, work closely with our marketing team and lead the experience design for researching and purchasing our products and add-ons, and more.

We add new positions every day, from entry-level to C-suite positions, so keep coming back to Mashable's Job Board.

Image: iStockphoto, exdez


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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Florida Gov Rick Scott says 'Stand Your Ground' fine as is


As Florida faces backlash over its "Stand Your Ground" law following the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, Gov. Rick Scott said Friday the law is fine just the way it is.

President Barack Obama spoke for the first time since the verdict Friday.

Read: Text of President Obama's statement | Trayvon Martin's parent's comment | Watch: President's full statement

"When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," he said, adding that Florida and other states should review their Stand Your Ground laws.

Scott said the law does more good than harm in Florida.

"We put together a 19 person, bipartisan taskforce and they reviewed it," said Scott. "I agree with them. We should not be changing and I don't support us changing Stand Your Ground."

Special section: George Zimmerman trial

Late Thursday, Scott met with some of the protesters who have occupied the capitol for several days. He said he wouldn't call the special session they want on Stand Your Ground.

"I met with these students yesterday up in Tallahassee and here's what I told them: call your legislator, call your house member, call your senator," said Scott. "That's the way the process works in our state, but I believe in our existing Stand Your Ground law."

Rep. Erik Fresen, R-Miami, said the law could be looked at next session.

"As a legislator, at a minimum, we need to, during the regular session, convene, discuss the law, discuss what came out of the citizen group, and perhaps, if necessary, tweak it," he said.

Broward State Attorney Mike Satz, a Democrat, said the law needs more than a tweak.

"Before the passage of Stand Your Ground, you had a duty to retreat before you used deadly forced unless it would put you in greater danger," said Satz. "I really feel that that's the way it should be. They should strike that from the statute."

Trayvon Martin's parents issued a statement thanking President Obama for his comments, saying in part: "We seek a future when a child can walk down the street and not worry that others see him as dangerous because of the color of his skin or the clothes on his back. We seek a future where our children can grow up and become the people God intended them to be."


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Saturday, July 20, 2013

How Retail Stores Track You Using Your Smartphone (and How to Stop It)

How Retail Stores Track You Using Your Smartphone (and How to Stop It)

When you walk into a brick and mortar retail store like a Nordstrom, Cabela, or even Family Dollar, you're being tracked around the store. Not by an over-suspicious security guard, but by the store's wireless network, using your phone's Wi-Fi. The store then uses your phone to track you around the store, determine if you're a repeat visitor, see what departments you visit, and more. Here's how they do it, and how to stop them.




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Friday, July 19, 2013

Retina iPad mini sequel may launch this year after all

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2013-2014 Fine Arts Series at the College at Brockport released

The performances and exhibits that will comprise the 2013-2014 Fine Arts Series at the College at Brockport were released Thursday.

Brockport is also excited to announce that they will offering online ticket sales. Starting August 19, tickets will be available via Series events will go on sale approximately five weeks prior to the performance. Tickets will remain available online until 24 hours prior to the performance.

The series includes a diverse program of music(including the New York Klezmer Orchestra and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as one of the favorite local string ensembles, Gibbs and Main), dance(Danscore and Sankofa), theatre(Avenue Q and Almost, Maine) and art exhibits.

To see the series schedule and list of other performances, click here.









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California adds most jobs in country


California added 30,200 nonfarm payroll jobs in June.

Job growth continues to soar in California according to numbers released Thursday by the federal government.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics posted its monthly regional jobs report showing the Golden State added 30,200 nonfarm payroll jobs in June ? the biggest increase in the country. Pennsylvania had the second-largest increase with 19,100 new jobs.

California?s unemployment rate also dropped to 8.5 percent, a slight decrease from the previous month but a significant 2.1 point drop from June 2012. That?s also the biggest yearly improvement in the country. Overall, the nation?s jobless rate remained unchanged at 7.6 percent compared to last month.

Just in case you?re counting, California added the second-most jobs over the past year. The Golden State?s payrolls swelled by 253,900 jobs, trailing Texas which added 303,000 positions over that time.

The numbers are preliminary, which means the Bureau of Labor Statistics could revise them either up or down. But the growth seems to represent good news and continued economic recovery for California. The state has now added 797,400 jobs since February 2010.

Additional reading

California jobless claims drop by 4,000

California's improving economy could reduce jobless benefits

How?s manufacturing doing in California?

Christopher Arns covers state legislation, regulation and contracts, as well as economic news, international trade and economic development for the Sacramento Business Journal.


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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In Africa, Bush appears on CNN to talk about his humanitarian efforts (Washington Bureau)

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Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 1, 2013

Thu 7:00PM

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater

Maryland Heights,?MO

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 3, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Klipsch Music Center


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 4, 2013

Sun 7:00PM

Riverbend Music Center


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 6, 2013

Tue 7:00PM

First Niagara Pavilion


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 7, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

Susquehanna Bank Center


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 9, 2013

Fri 7:00PM

Comcast Center


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 10, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

PNC Bank Arts Center


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 11, 2013

Sun 7:00PM

Nikon at Jones Beach Theater


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 25, 2013

Sun 7:30PM

First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre

Tinley Park,?IL

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 26, 2013

Mon 7:00PM

Blossom Music Center

Cuyahoga Falls,?OH

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 28, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

DTE Energy Music Theatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 29, 2013


Molson Amphitheatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Aug 31, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Comcast Theatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 1, 2013

Sun 7:00PM

Toyota Pavilion At Montage Mountain


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Tony Lucca

Sep 4, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

Darien Lake Performing Arts Center

Darien Center,?NY

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 5, 2013

Thu 7:00PM

Saratoga Performing Arts Center

Saratoga Springs,?NY

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Tony Lucca

Sep 7, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Jiffy Lube Live


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 8, 2013

Sun 7:00PM

Farm Bureau Live

Virginia Beach,?VA

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 10, 2013

Tue 7:30PM

Time Warner Cable Music Pavilion


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 11, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 13, 2013

Fri 7:00PM

Live Nation Amphitheatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & PJ Morton

Sep 14, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Cruzan Amphitheatre

West Palm Beach,?FL

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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & PJ Morton

Sep 16, 2013

Mon 7:00PM

Aarons Amphitheatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & PJ Morton

Sep 18, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

Austin360 Amphitheater


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & PJ Morton

Sep 19, 2013

Thu 7:00PM

The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & PJ Morton

Sep 22, 2013

Sun 7:00PM

Gexa Energy Pavilion


Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 24, 2013

Tue 6:30PM

Fiddlers Green Amphitheatre


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 27, 2013

Fri 7:00PM

Sleep Country Amphitheater


Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Sep 28, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Gorge Amphitheatre


Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Oct 1, 2013

Tue 7:00PM

Sleep Train Amphitheatre


Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Oct 2, 2013

Wed 7:00PM

Shoreline Amphitheatre

Mountain View,?CA

Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Oct 4, 2013


Verizon Wireless Amphitheater


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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Oct 5, 2013

Sat 7:00PM

Sleep Train Amphitheatre

Chula Vista,?CA

Buy Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson Tickets Texas
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Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson & Rozzi Crane

Oct 6, 2013


Hollywood Bowl

Los Angeles,?CA

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