Sunday, January 27, 2013

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Water and skin care | Tips on Food Fitness Life Love

Posted by Jitesh Manaktala on Jan 25, 2013 in Beauty, FeaturedGoogle+

We have always heard that drinking eight glasses of water each day would make our skin glow with health but only few of us realize this. Most people try to quench their thirst with alternatives that appeals the taste buds such as coffee, soft drinks and other beverages. We don?t even realize that these delectable alternatives work towards dehydrating the skin.

Studies have proved that consumption of mineral water contributes to the elasticity, smoothness and softness of the skin. Mineral water works towards providing essential nutrients, copper, selenium and sulfur. All these ingredients are useful for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

Why water?

Ever wondered why a baby?s skin is smooth and flawless? This is because the skin consists mainly of water and when we are young the water content in our skin is high. Over time, skin tends to lose precious water due to exposure to the elements and sunlight, poor diet, stress etc. loss of water on skin results in wrinkles, dryness and other skin problems. Hence it is important for the skin to retain water.

How can my skin benefit from drinking water?

There are several benefits of drinking water for the skin. Drinking water in large quantities is beneficial to keep the skin hydrated. It prevents dry skin. If you want a radiant, healthy and younger looking complexion with no wrinkles, drink plenty of water. Drinking water would also increase the elasticity and suppleness of water. Adequate amount of water will flush out toxins from the body through the excretory system. These toxins can build up in the body and escape through skin pores due to lack of water. This may also result in acne breakouts on the skin.

How much is enough?

Experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water each day for a healthy body and skin. This keeps the body hydrated. Water can also reach body via consuming water-rich fruits such as melons, vegetables and foods.

If you exercise regularly, you need more water to replace the lost water.

To sum up, drinking water can provide you beautiful skin. So, focus on drinking at least eight glasses of water each day if you want fab looking skin.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Most Popular Self-Defense Products For Women | Jackie&#39;s Women&#39;s ...

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Here are some of the most popular self-defense products for women. They provide personal safety and personal security and female self-defense for you and/or the women in your life. Read on to learn more.

Source:Most Popular Self-Defense Products For Women

Related Reading:

The SAS Self-Defense HandbookThe SAS Self-Defense Handbook

Essential self-defense training from the elite British SAS.

Barry Davies is one of the most widely respected experts on the techniques and training of the elite British Special Air Service (SAS). In The SAS Self-Defense Handbook, Davies reveals the self-defense techniques of the SAS. The handbook is fully illustrated with nearly 130 photographs and illustrations that explain how to properly use your body and use everyday objects such as desktop items and cigarette lighters to protect yourself. Learn how to avoid physical attacks from humans and animals, and handle those confrontations that cannot be avoided. 83 color and 39 black-and-white illustrations
Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to Over 230 Self-Defense and Combative TechniquesComplete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to Over 230 Self-Defense and Combative TechniquesDeveloped for the Israel military forces and battle tested in real-life combat, Krav Maga has gained an international reputation as an easy-to-learn yet highly effective art of self-defense. Clearly written and extensively illustrated, Complete Krav Maga details every aspect of the system including dozens of hand-to-hand combat moves, over 20 weapons defense techniques and a complete physical conditioning workout program.

All the moves are described in depth from beginning Yellow Belt to advanced Black Belt, yet they are easy to learn because one of Krav Maga's strengths is its simplicity. Based on the principle that it is best to move from defense to attack as quickly as possible, Complete Krav Maga offers fast-escape maneuvers from attacks and holds. It then follows them up with specific counterattacks, including punches, kicks and throws.

The authors show how anyone (big or small, man or woman) can practice self defense by using Krav Maga to protect weak spots, exploit an assailant's vulnerabilities and turn the attacker s force against him. Complete Krav Maga teaches the reader how to get in shape, gain confidence and feel safer and more secure every day.

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False beliefs persist, even after instant online corrections

Jan. 24, 2013 ? It seems like a great idea: Provide instant corrections to web-surfers when they run across obviously false information on the Internet.

But a new study suggests that this type of tool may not be a panacea for dispelling inaccurate beliefs, particularly among people who already want to believe the falsehood.

"Real-time corrections do have some positive effect, but it is mostly with people who were predisposed to reject the false claim anyway," said R. Kelly Garrett, lead author of the study and assistant professor of communication at Ohio State University.

"The problem with trying to correct false information is that some people want to believe it, and simply telling them it is false won't convince them."

For example, the rumor that President Obama was not born in the United States was widely believed during the past election season, even though it was thoroughly debunked.

The prospect of correcting falsehoods like this online before they have a chance to spread widely has obvious appeal, Garrett said.

In fact, it has already been attempted: A team from Intel and the University of California, Berkeley, developed Dispute Finder, a plug-in for web browsers that was released in 2009 and would alert users when they opened a webpage with a disputed claim. That project has ended, but Garrett said similar efforts are under way.

"Although the average news user hasn't encountered real-time correction software yet, it is in the works and I suspect it will see more widespread use soon," he said.

But will it work? In order to find out, Garrett conducted a study with Brian Weeks, a graduate student in communication at Ohio State. Their study (available here), which they will present Feb. 26 in Austin, Texas, appears in the 2013 Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing conference.

Participants in the study were a diverse group of 574 adults from across the country who participated online.

The experiment was designed to see what would happen when participants read false statements copied from a "political blog" (actually text prepared by the researchers) about the issue of electronic health records.

While some of the information, collected from news stories and government sources, was correct, the researchers also inserted several false statements about who was allowed access to these records. For instance, the message falsely claimed that hospital administrators, health insurance companies and even government officials had unrestricted access to people's electronic health records.

The participants were divided into three groups -- some were presented with an immediate correction, saying that, an independent fact-checking organization, had concluded this blog post contained factual errors. Inaccurate statements were italicized, enclosed in brackets and displayed in red, and a detailed correction appeared at the bottom of the page.

Others read the blog post with the errors, followed by completing an unrelated three-minute task, and then were presented with the exact same correction.

The final group was presented only with the inaccurate message during the study.

Afterwards, all participants were asked how easy or difficult it would be for several groups (including hospital administrators, government officials and others) to access electronic health records. Participants were graded based on the accuracy of their answers.

In general, those who received the immediate correction were just slightly more likely to be accurate than those who received the delayed correction. Those who received no corrections were, not surprisingly, the least accurate.

But the most interesting results came when the researchers analyzed who was influenced by each kind of correction.

The real-time correction worked well with participants who indicated at the beginning of the study that they supported electronic health records, also called EHRs.

"But for those who opposed EHRs, the effect of the immediate correction was essentially the same as if they had received no correction at all," Garrett said.

The reason appears to be that opponents of EHRs discounted the credibility of the source of the correction, Garrett said. On the other hand, the more favorably an individual felt about EHRs, the more credible the correction was perceived to be.

Although this pattern was also evident among those who received the delayed correction, the effect was significantly weaker.

Garrett said the results of this study cast doubt on the theory that people who believe false rumors need only to be educated about the truth to change their minds.

"Humans aren't vessels into which you can just pour accurate information," he said.

"Correcting misperceptions is really a persuasion task. You have to convince people that, while there are competing claims, one claim is clearly more accurate."

Garrett noted that, while instant corrections were slightly more effective than delayed corrections, the problem is that instant corrections actually increase resistance among those whose attitudes are supported by the falsehood.

"We would anticipate that systems like Dispute Finder would do little to change the beliefs of the roughly one in six Americans who, despite exhaustive news coverage and fact checking, continue to question whether President Obama was born in the U.S.," he said.

Garrett said it may be better to find a way to deliver corrections later, when people may not be so defensive about their beliefs.

The study was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University. The original article was written by Jeff Grabmeier.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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PFT: Woody denies Tebow was forced on him


As the allegations of sabotage in Super Bowl XXXVII grew, it was only a matter of time before former Raiders coach Bill Callahan addressed them.? And address them he did, via a late-night statement suggesting that he has gotten himself lawyered up.

By uttering the ?D? word (not the one that ends in ?bag?), Callahan and/or whoever wrote the statement is making it clear to Tim Brown, Jerry Rice, and the persons who represent their legal interests that litigation is at least being contemplated.

But while a defamation lawsuit against one or both former players would become great theater, it would entail many challenges ? and cause significant collateral damage for Callahan, and possibly others.

1.? The statute of limitations against Brown possibly has expired.?

When pressed last night by Erik Kuselias of Pro Football Talk on the assertion of sabotage a decade after the game, Brown said that he has been talking about his suspicions on national television and Dallas radio for years.? Which means that, if Brown is sued, his first defense will be that Callahan waited too long to sue.

In most jurisdictions, the statute of limitations is one year.? It has been more than one year since Brown made his statements in a public setting.

I haven?t research the issue completely (which as I learned early in my legal career is standard lawyer code for ?I don?t really know what I?m talking about?), so it?s entirely possible that, in whichever jurisdiction Callahan would sue, each utterance of the false statement sets the clock back to zero.

2.? The difference between fact and opinion.

If a lawsuit is filed (and if it?s determined to be within the statute of limitations), the biggest challenge will be drawing a line between fact and opinion.? False statements of fact can lead to litigation; uninformed or incorrect opinions based on actual facts are protected.

The factual assertion from Brown is that Callahan drastically changed the offensive game plan two days before Super Bowl XXXVII.? Brown?s opinion is that Callahan was trying to sabotage the Raiders.

It?s a fine line, but Brown arguably has stayed on the right side of it.? Even last night, when he was as candid as he?s ever been about his beliefs, Brown said, ?I?m not necessarily saying he [changed the game plan] for that reason, but it happened.?

Rice may not have been as careful.? ?For some reason ? and I don?t know why ? Bill Callahan did not like me,? Rice said Tuesday on ESPN. ?In a way, maybe because he didn?t like the Raiders, he decided, ?Maybe we should sabotage this a little bit and let Jon Gruden go out and win this one.??

3.? Callahan is a public figure.

For ordinary citizens, any untrue statement of fact can provide the basis for a defamation lawsuit.? For public figures, a higher standard applies.

Callahan will have to show that Brown and Rice knew the allegations were false, or that they acted with reckless disregard to the truth or falsity of their comments.? That necessarily makes any case of defamation against a public figure like Callahan harder to prove.

In this case, it means that Brown and Rice would give detailed testimony on what they experienced that caused them to believe what they believed.? They?ll surely say that something different happened before that game than anything they?d experienced in all their years of playing football, which caused them to believe that Callahan was up to something.

Against a private citizen, that may not matter.? Against a public figure, that explanation could result in the case being tossed before it ever would be presented to a jury.

4.? Callahan would expose himself to significant criticism.

If the case goes forward, many former Raiders players and coaches will be questioned under oath.? And while they will have different perceptions and beliefs about the reasons for the decisions made and not made by Callahan, the questioning will rehash everything that happened in preparation for the game, including whether the game plan was changed and why the audibles and other terminology installed by Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden during his time as the Raiders coach wasn?t.

In other words, and as Kuselias framed the issue last night, Callahan was either corrupt or incompetent.? By proving he wasn?t corrupt, Callahan could end up shining a bright light on the notion that he is incompetent.

5.? Plenty of big names will be involved.

If it goes to trial, this lawsuit ultimately could top, from a media standpoint, every lawsuit ever filed or threatened by the late Al Davis.? The parade in and out of the courtroom would be even more impressive than the? Seinfeld finale, with guys like Rich Gannon and Tyrone Wheatley and Lincoln Kennedy and Bill Romanowski and Rod Woodson and Charles Woodson and Charlie Garner and maybe even Shane Lechler and Sebastian Janikowski making the walk to the witness stand, along with members of the 2002 Raiders coaching staff, including current NFL head coaches Marc Trestman and Jim Harbaugh.

Jon Gruden would likely make an appearance at some point, possibly along with members of the Buccaneers defense (which had guys like Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, and John Lynch), who would be able to shed light on whether or not Gruden seemed to know what was going to happen, and possibly why he knew that.

Current and former NFL head coaches like Rod Marinelli, Raheem Morris, and Mike Tomlin ? all members of the 2002 Buccaneers coaching staff ? also could be involved, along with former Bucs (and current Cowboys) defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin.

At one point during the game, Lynch told Tomlin, ?Mike, every play they?ve run, we ran in practice.? It?s unreal.?

Said Tomlin in response, ?I know.?

The biggest name of all could be the guy who won?t be able to directly participate.? If the game plan was indeed changed by Callahan, we continue to believe the most plausible explanation is that Callahan was ordered to do so by owner Al Davis.? It would be fitting if the outcome of the lawsuit turns on whether a jury believes that Callahan was simply following the marching orders given to him by one of the most litigious owners in sports history.

6.? What should happen next.

Though it would be fascinating to cover the litigation and any trial that would happen, the smart move in the short term would be for Brown and Rice to issue statements explaining clearly that they are merely stating their opinions, based on the facts that they experienced.

And then they should never discuss the situation publicly again.

While on one hand the issuance of statements would suggest that they fear litigation, on the other hand it would be a prudent way of both putting a bow on a story that has quickly taken on a life of its own and managing potential liability risks.

Either way, the ball is not back in Brown?s and Rice?s court.


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Jordan votes in poll boycotted by main Islamist party

AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanians voted on Wednesday in their first parliamentary elections since the Arab Spring revolts, but a boycott by the main Islamist party will ensure no repeat of an Egypt-style revolution via the ballot box.

The popular Muslim Brotherhood shunned the poll saying the electoral system had been rigged against large, populated urban areas where it is strongest in favor of rural tribal areas where conservative, pro-government forces are entrenched.

Dozens of people lined up outside polling stations in several Jordanian towns before polls opened across the kingdom at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT), witnesses said.

Jordan, a U.S.-backed monarchy bordering Israel, has seen large protests against corruption and criticizing King Abdullah, although they have not been on the same scale as those that toppled rulers in Egypt and Tunisia and led to civil wars in Libya and Syria.

The government has promised free and fair polls and predicted a good turnout, despite the boycott.

"There are not two people in Jordan who are whispering that the government will interfere in the elections," Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour told Reuters this week.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the single most popular party in Jordan - with strong support in cities, especially among poorer Palestinians who live there.

Its boycott has reduced the election to a contest between tribal leaders, establishment figures and businessmen, with just a few of the 1,500 candidates running for recognized parties. Allegations of vote-buying are rife.

The result may hand even more power to a tribal establishment that maintains a tight grip on power and is keen on maintaining costly state patronage but is resented by large parts of the urban poor who feel left out, politically and economically.

"There are no agendas in candidates' campaigns. Their campaigns are emotionally driven, and are based more on personal relationships than they are on constructive programs," said Sheikh Talal al-Madi, a former senator from a tribal area.

Sparsely populated rural and tribal constituencies, where pro-government tribes are strong, get a bigger weighting in parliament than the Palestinian-dominated poor urban constituencies where the Islamists find their support. Wealthier Palestinians with economic power tend not to vote.

"This is a sham election whose results will only erode the credibility of the future parliament," said Zaki Bani Rusheid, deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood.

More than two thirds of Jordan's 7 million people live in cities but are allocated less than a third of assembly seats.

Jordanians are voting amid economic gloom, with austerity policies guided by the International Monetary Fund that the government was forced to adopt last year to avoid a fiscal crisis after years of spending on a bloated public sector.

(Editing by Jon Boyle)


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What exactly is third gender? - Blogs

I?ve learned a lot since my son left for college. Actually, thanks to his experiences in college. When he spoke to me with some authority about someone he knew who was third gender, I couldn?t pretend to know what he meant. So I asked him. He said basically it was someone who didn?t identify as either a male or a female.

This sparked my curiosity, and since I studied neither anthropology nor sociology in college or grad school, I had no foundation of understanding. And it would appear I?m not alone.

While a relatively new and often times misunderstood concept in Western society, third, fourth and even fifth genders, according to Wikipedia, have been around for a long time elsewhere on this globe. The article sites the?hijra of India and Pakistan, who have won legal identity. They are typically born male (biologically) but take on a feminine gender role.

But not always.

Third genders often prefer to not be classified, despite their biological identities. ?Other modern identities that cover similar ground include?pangender,bigender,?genderqueer,?androgyne,?intergender, ?other gender? and ?differently gendered.?

Nepal has recently recognized third genders, as well, and?will begin issuing citizenship certificates basically legalizing their identity.

It makes me wonder if this will ever happen in the United States.


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Ouya CEO says momentum behind its &#39;people&#39;s game console ...

ouya update

Last August, when Ouya raised $8.6 million via crowdfunding on Kickstarter to create an open video game console that plays Android-based games, seems like eons ago. Since that time, chief executive Julie Uhrman has been running like crazy to keep up the pace to launch the ?people?s box? as scheduled in March. In an update interview with GamesBeat, Uhrman says that the momentum keeps growing and that she isn?t concerned about the rise of so many alternative systems in such a short time.

julie uhrmanOuya?s growing scale might raise some concern among ?the big three?: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Ouya is just the first of many console alternatives that are hoping to disrupt the last bastion of the business as we knew it: the $60 disc-based game. Startups like Ouya are the foot soldiers who will carry the spears of free-to-play games, Android mobile games, and app stores into the living room.

?March is still a distant deadline,? said Uhrman in an interview with GamesBeat. ?But we are excited by the interest. I?m impressed with how my team keeps delivering on the impossible.?

On Dec. 28, Ouya started shipping the first of its 1,200 developer prototype consoles for those who had pledged anywhere from $699 to $1,337 in the Kickstarter campaign. And since that day, more than 894,000 people have viewed an ?unboxing? video showing what is contained in the developer console. Ouya?s software development kit has been downloaded more than 20,000 times. And Ouya?s forums ? with 400,000 views ? are blowing up with questions and comments about how to make games for the console, Uhrman said.

ouya update 2Fans have created 10 web sites about Ouya, and a German company has even created a magazine dedicated to the box.

Uhrman said that the hardware specifications are mostly set, but its final color and look have not been revealed yet. The console is basically shaped like a cube, and it is no larger than a typical coffee mug.

The company is still redesigning its game controller based on fan feedback. The device has a ?D-pad? control mechanism, but fans pointed out that it too closely resembled Microsoft?s Xbox 360 game controller, which is circular in shape and prone to accidental diagonal button pushes.

Uhrman said the designers are shifting to a square D-pad, which is more Sony-like and less prone to unintentional button pushes.

?We are still fine-tuning the controller,? she said. ?It removes the mistaken button press and makes it more precise. That?s a big change.?

It?s these little details that could trip Ouya. Other rivals have emerged who have slightly different takes on the same idea around an Android console. Nvidia is launching Project Shield, which uses a high-end Tegra 4 chip and comes with a 5-inch diagonal high-resolution screen.

ouya update 3But Uhrman said her team believes that the ?TV is the best screen for playing video games. That?s what Ouya is about. We have seen all of the creativity of the industry shift to mobile games. We want to bring that back to the TV through our box.?

Ouya uses a Tegra 3 chip from Nvidia, and Uhrman said the pricing on that chip is consistent with Ouya?s plan to launch a $99 console. The chip has four cores running at 1.6 gigahertz, and Ouya believes that is plenty of horsepower for an affordable game machine. At the same time, Uhrman said that the company will have regular hardware refreshes and could create a better experience while still delivering on its $99 price.

Another rival, Green Throttle Games, is creating an Android-based gaming system, but it has no console. It will allow users to hook their smartphones directly to their TVs and play games with a traditional console-style controller. But Uhrman believes that both developers and consumers want to wrap their hands around a concrete piece of hardware that plays their games.

?We are carving out our own niche,? she said.

Ouya is using the Jellybean version of the Android operating system, but it is developing its own user interface, software development kit, and app store.

Under Ouya?s model, developers will share 30 percent of their revenue with Ouya; that?s a high percentage. Developers have more than 100 games in the works, which eliminates the worry of a shortage of titles for the console when it debuts, Uhrman said.

?We will make more announcements later about launch titles,? she said. ?We have a great business model, and we are really comfortable with it.?

Panagiotis Peikidis, a developer at Large Animal Games, took the Ouya development kit home to see if he could build a game in a weekend.

?I was quite impressed with how easy it was to get a Unity game up and running on the Ouya,? he said. ?The Unity package for Ouya is quite good and the set-up videos on the Ouya website made things much easier than I expected. The only trouble I ran into was with the controller data.?

He got some unreliable data back, but he said he expects those kinks will be worked out soon as Ouya gets closer to shipping. He said it was a fun, productive weekend of hacking with minimal headaches.

?I?m excited to see what we can do with more time,? he said.

Beyond games, Uhrman said that Ouya is in talks with a large number of entertainment companies that want to bring their non-game apps to the console. Some, such as Twitch, have been announced while others have not.

Uhrman also said that a ?game jam? contest launched by Killscreen will end this morning. Unity Technologies distributed more than 200 software development kits for its Unity 3D game engine for developers associated with the contest. The winner of the game jam will get $45,000.

Ouya?s team is growing every day, but Uhrman declined to say how many people work for the company. The majority of the team is engineering, but the company is adding a content development team as well.

Uhrman said she is traveling around the country visiting groups of game developers who are supporting the console.

As for getting the game console out by March, Uhrman said, ?We are on track. We want to get Ouya out to gamers as soon as we can.?

Filed under: Gadgets, Games, VentureBeat

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Linchpin of skin response to UVA light discovered

Jan. 21, 2013 ? Researchers have strengthened their understanding of how skin cells called melanocytes sense ultraviolet light and act to protect themselves with melanin. In a new study, they report experiments showing that an ion channel well-known elsewhere in the body for its chemical sensitivity, plays a central role in this process.

Last year, a team of researchers at Brown University discovered that certain skin cells use a light-sensitive receptor found outside of the eye to sense ultraviolet light and quickly begin pumping out melanin to protect against DNA damage. In a new study, lab members identify a key player in that biomolecular chain of events that could someday become a pharmacological target for improving this protective response.

The new discovery, published the week of Jan. 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is that human melaoncyte skin cells rely on an ion channel called TRPA1 to allow a flood of calcium ions into the cells when they are exposed to UVA light. The resulting abundance of calcium ions signals the cell to begin making melanin, the pigment responsible for the tanning response in people.

The discovery "is exciting because it confirms this phototransduction pathway is similar to those found in the eye."Several experiments described in the paper show that TRPA1, which is known from a number of other appearances elsewhere in the body, is an essential step in the skin's response to UVA light, said senior author Elena Oancea, assistant professor of medical science in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology at Brown.

As a matter of basic science, the finding strengthens the evidence of a striking parallel between the skin's response to UVA light and the way the eye detects light.

"Its exciting because it confirms this phototransduction pathway is similar to those found in the eye. It consists of a light-sensitive receptor, molecular signaling cascade, and an ion channel," Oancea said. "The involvement of an ion channel makes this pathway a lot more like other phototransduction pathways."

In other parts of the body, TRPA1 has been shown to help detect pungent but benign chemicals, such as those in intensely flavorful foods. Oancea and lead author Nicholas Bellono said the chemical sensitivity of TRPA1 offers the intriguing possibility that it could become a target for experiments to boost melanin production.

"TRPA1 ion channels are involved in the detection of pungent chemicals such as cinnamaldehyde, wasabi, and mustard oil, and we've now found it's important for this melanin response," Bellono said. "There is a possibility that we can pharmacologically alter pigmentation through regulation of this ion channel."

Oancea and Bellono emphasized, however, that people who go out in the sun should always take widely recommended precautions to protect their skin, such as using high-SPF commercial sunscreens or wearing protective hats and clothing.

Finding the channel

From the prior research in Oancea's lab, Bellono knew he was looking for some kind of molecular pathway that would start with a light sensitive receptor and trigger an elevated level of calcium ions in the melanocytes.

It seemed possible that a TRP ion channel would be involved because TRPs are involved in phototransduction elsewhere in the body that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium. There are, however, many types of TRP channels, and the molecular identity of the UVA-activated channel in melanocytes was not apparent. Oancea confessed that she even suspected another as the culprit. But many experiments later, the team hit on TRPA1 and amassed considerable evidence to confirm its vital role.

In one experiment, for example, they treated melanocytes with "antagonist" chemicals known to block TRPA1 activity. They then exposed the cells to UVA light and measured the resulting electrical response. The cells blocked with the antagonists had 80 to 90 percent reduction in current compared to the unhindered cells.

They used a similar technique of specifically blocking TRPA1 activity to show that the ion channel contributes greatly to the presence of calcium ions after UVA exposure compared to unhindered melanocyte cells. They also found melanocytes produce little or no melanin following exposure to UVA when TRPA1 is blocked.

They did not, however, do experiments to see whether adding TRPA1 stimulating substances could increase melanin production.

In addition to Bellono and Oancea, other authors on the paper are Laura Kammel and Anita Zimmerman.

The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health (grant T32-GM077995), and Brown University funded the research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brown University.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Robert Rodriguez
Photo: MTV News


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

LPU - Lovely Professional University Jalandhar -

LPU Jalandhar is spread amidst a lush green area of 600+ acres on the highway of NH 1 and is found as you enter the city of Jalandhar. There are a close to twenty five students from every nook and corner of the country and even places abroad who are a part of this esteemed campus.

The university has the largest housing facilities in the world. It has the capacity to accommodate close to eighteen thousand students. It offers brilliant housing facilities within the campus for both boys and girls independently.The campus strives to make the transition for students from the comforts of their homes to the college as comfortable as possible by offering a comfortable and homely environment within the campus. Every room in the hostel is well lit and airy and has ample space to move around.There is accommodation available of every kind suiting the budget and need of every student. Rooms ranging from standard to luxurious are all available depending on the choice and convenience of one and everybody.

The university welcomes students and interns from different corners of the world. Students from different cultures and backgrounds come here and make this University an abode of a variety of cultures. Having a global outlook, LPU Jalandhar offers you an experience of learning both inside and outside the classrooms. It is a perfect place for students to pursue higher education and share their know-hows on a common forum. In a world which is getting increasingly globalized, LPU University gives opportunities to study numerous disciplines in a truly global environment.

The campus of the university is forever buzzing with activity and has a close-knit community.The environment is friendly, vibrant and has an amazing culture. It is a hub of activities where students from different walks of life not only live together but also learn and laugh. One can easily find a wide variety of artistic and cultural activities on the campus and can participate in the ones that are in the area of their interest. The university doles out abundant opportunities to relax after a frantic day of work.A variety of extracurricular, cultural and sports activities are a part of the campus life.A number of cultural fests, musical nights and concerts also add to the fun element of the campus. Matching pace with the latest, the university has the best technologies on the campus.The students can learn lot of things in the technology driven campus which has the most recent IT Infrastructure and Support Systems.

The University has an amazing faculty which adds to the charm of the university.In addition to this there is a group of competent counsellors on the campus as well who works towards solving the problems of students, be it personal or related to studies. These counsellors are considered as confidants by the students and are people who provide quick tips to tackle the run-of-the-mill taxing situations of day to day life.The University also provides on campus Counselling and Psychological Support Services to its students.

For students, life at LPU is an exciting mix of learning and celebration. Its an amazing combination of classroom experiences that enrich their personal and professional life. The life on the campus is committed to making an atmosphere for students that is dedicated to enhancing their personal and professional growth.

Sonali Dheri writes on behalf of, Indias online education hub. She uses her creative forces to write informative content on all the latest study programs, MBA Colleges in Delhi, and Education in India news and issues.


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How to Earn More From Your Writing Just By Talking About It | The ...

By Justin P. Lampert

If you?re like me, every single article you write is a learning experience.

Especially for the large-scale feature-style articles, you put the time in, do the research, conduct the interviews, compile and curate your notes, all before you even manage to put pen to paper. And the entire time, you?re learning.

Maybe it?s a subject you?re totally passionate about. Or, maybe it?s something you?ve never even considered before you got the assignment to write about it. But at this point, you?re a genuine expert.

Now you have two choices: 1) You can hand in your article and move on to the next learning experience without a second glance, or 2) you can capitalize on all that effort and new-found expertise while putting a few extra dollars in your pocket and a few extra credits on your bio.

As a freelance writer smart and ambitious enough to be reading this blog, I?m pretty confident you?re a #2 kind of person.

Let?s Talk

As an expert in the subject matter at hand, why not make the opportunity to share your knowledge with people who want to hear about it?

Every community has opportunities available for people to speak on various subjects. If your article was for a local market, you probably have the appropriate venues right at your fingertips already. Contact the folks you interviewed, the websites you already visited, and the local organizations those folks are connected to. Even if you don?t have a list of names already in hand, though, the answers are only a Google search away.

Locate local groups, organizations, corporations or non-profits who have some connection to the topic you?ve just written about. Review their website and see if and when they?re meeting, holding an event, or planning a program of some kind. Then, contact the folks in charge and offer your services as a speaker for their function.

Even if they?re not planning anything right now, contact them and offer to develop a speech on the subject at their discretion. Maybe you?ll spur them on to putting an event together.

Another option would be to serve as moderator for a panel discussion or debate on the topic. This could allow some experts from the company or group you?re contacting to join the fun, and offer an added benefit for them to take you up on it.

But I?m speaking in generalities right now. Let?s bring it down to a real-life example of how this really works.

How Does it Really Work?

You?ve just completed a 3000-word feature article about the effects of fracking (a controversial method for harvesting natural gas) for a regional environmental quarterly we?ll call the Smith Valley Greenspace magazine. In the course of researching and writing the article, you?ve learned more about the natural gas industry ? and the love/hate relationship it enjoys with environmentalists ? than you ever expected to know.

You submit your article to rave reviews. It?s going to print in about four months. In the meantime, you start doing some Google searches for local environmental organizations that may be hosting fundraisers, educational events or seminars in the area. Sure enough, you find three different groups that have events planned over the next six months.

You contact them and let them know you?re a published writer with a feature article coming out soon in the Smith Valley Greenspace quarterly about fracking. One of them is especially impressed, because they happen to subscribe to the SVGQ. But all of them keep listening because that?s an impressive enough fact to warrant their attention.

You then let them know you?re looking forward to their upcoming event, and you get a feel for what kinds of subjects they?re planning to cover. Finally, you make your pitch: ?I?d like to speak at your event. I have access to some of the most up-to-date information and sources on fracking, and I think your audience would love to hear about it.?

One of the three already has Al Gore lined up to speak, so you missed it by that much. But two of them are thrilled to have an expert available to speak on such a timely topic, and they ask you what they can do to help.

Why This Makes You More Money

This kind of public speaking isn?t going to earn you big bucks on its own. Generally, if a speaker makes anything for giving the speech or moderating the panel, it?s a small honorarium.

But, far more importantly, speaking on your subject offers you multiple opportunities to market yourself as an expert:

  • Record the speech in audio and video formats and offer them in whole or in parts via YouTube, your website, your blog, or via podcast.
  • Obtain testimonials from the event organizers and/or attendees and post them on your site or add them to your media kit.
  • Have the speech transcribed and post it as an article on your site and/or as a sample to mail out.
  • Hand out a brief bio with contact information at your speech to allow attendees to get a hold of you later.
  • Tack ?professional speaker? on your bio?s skill list.
  • Be creative and make the moment work for you!

In all these ways, you?re building a platform that consistently brings you up in the minds of others as an expert on this subject.

Now, we all know you were already planning to re-purpose a lot of that research material from the original article into a dozen other related articles for non-competing publications across the nation. How much better do you think your chances of seeing those queries approved will be, now that you?re a recognized expert on the subject, with the audio, video, text and testimonial evidence to prove it?

That?s how this tactic ends up making you more money as a writer: by vastly improving your chances of turning every article into a dozen paying gigs while simultaneously improving your professional reputation in the process.

If you, like many of us, have books in your future, any agent worth their salt is going to tell you to build a platform before pitching a publisher. Sure enough, speaking ? even on the small, local level ? offers a fantastic opportunity to do just that as well!

So, don?t just sit there! If you?re currently working on a big, meaty article, keep your eyes peeled for speaking opportunities you can exploit. And if you?re not, start trolling your clip file for some huge learning experiences from your past and get yourself out there talking about it!

Justin P Lambert is a freelance content marketing specialist and copywriter with room in his schedule to make your blog sound just as fantastic as this one! Take a glance at the site or hook up on LinkedIn to get acquainted!

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sudan, South Sudan leaders to try to defuse tension at summit

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan meet on Friday to make another attempt to defuse hostilities after their countries split and restart cross-border oil flows to throw their beleaguered economies a lifeline.

Sudan's Omar Hassan al-Bashir and South Sudan's Salva Kiir have both signalled possible concessions at the talks in Addis Ababa to end a stalemate over how to set up a demilitarised buffer zone after the countries came close to war in April.

They signed agreements at a meeting in the Ethiopian capital in September to resume oil exports and secure the volatile border, but sharing deep mistrust after fighting one of Africa's longest civil wars, neither country has implemented the deals.

Both countries badly need the oil exports, for which Juba has to pay Khartoum millions of dollars. But analysts say they also need the confrontation with the other side to shore up domestic legitimacy and divert attention from their crumbling economies and widespread corruption.

The African Union, backed by Western powers, urged them to hold Friday's talks to try again to reach a deal.

Sudan's state news agency SUNA said late on Thursday Bashir would meet Kiir to discuss "speeding up" implementing the September deals. Kiir said in a speech on New Year's Eve the South was ready to withdraw its troops.

But diplomats remain sceptical of a quick breakthrough because both countries have a history of signing and then not implementing the agreements.

Since April's flare up, the worst violence since South Sudan seceded in 2011 after a 2005 peace deal ending the civil war, they have pulled back their armies from the almost 2,000 km (1,200 miles) border, much of which is disputed.

Both sides say such a buffer zone is necessary before oil from the landlocked South can flow through Sudanese territory. Juba shut down its entire output of 350,000 barrels a year ago after failing to agree on an export fee.


They agreed in September not just to set up the buffer zone and restart oil exports but also to open the border for trade and start a monetary cooperation - none of which saw the light of day.

South Sudan's oil minister, Stephen Dhieu Dau, said on Wednesday it would delay resuming oil exports until at least mid-March even if Juba solves all security conflicts with Sudan at the summit - the such first forecast since November.

South Sudan accused Sudan on Thursday of launching air strikes on the southern side of their border on Wednesday, wounding several civilians. Sudan's armed forces were not immediately available for comment but have regularly denied southern accusations of attacks in the past.

In turn, Sudan accuses South Sudan of supporting rebels of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-North) in two border states. Juba denies the accusation and says Sudan is backing militias on its territory.

The enmity remains deep and diplomats say both sides tend see such summits, the latest in a series of bilateral talks, more as a way of focusing on the other's weaknesses, rather than primarily as a way to solve their conflicts.

In Sudan, some officials think, diplomats say, Kiir has made a grave mistake by shutting down the oil production, depriving state coffers of 98 percent of revenues, with some saying South Sudan's leadership might soon run out of money.

In Juba, many officials believe that Bashir's government might collapse due to popular dissent over spiralling inflation and cracks inside his ruling circles. The government said in November it had uncovered a plot attempt against Bashir.

Faced with such mutual mistrust, the African Union will try at the summit to get some sort of border security agreement under way to help restart the oil flows.

Once that happens, the hope among diplomats is that both have an incentive to keep talking and sort out their remaining conflicts such as the final status of Abyei and other disputed border regions.


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Friday, January 4, 2013

Al-Jazeera buys Current TV from Al Gore

FILE - In this Jan. 13, 2012 file photo, Former Vice President Al Gore, Current TV Chairman and Co-Founder, participates in the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour in Pasadena , Calif. Al-Jazeera, the Pan-Arab news channel that has struggled to win space on American cable television, has acquired Current TV, Gore confirmed Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. (AP Photo/Danny Moloshok, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 13, 2012 file photo, Former Vice President Al Gore, Current TV Chairman and Co-Founder, participates in the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour in Pasadena , Calif. Al-Jazeera, the Pan-Arab news channel that has struggled to win space on American cable television, has acquired Current TV, Gore confirmed Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. (AP Photo/Danny Moloshok, File)

(AP) ? Al-Jazeera, the Pan-Arab news channel that struggled to win space on American cable television, has acquired Current TV, boosting its reach in the U.S. nearly ninefold to about 40 million homes. With a focus on U.S. news, it plans to rebrand the left-leaning news network that cofounder Al Gore couldn't make relevant.

The former vice president confirmed the sale Wednesday, saying in a statement that Al-Jazeera shares Current TV's mission "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

The acquisition lifts Al-Jazeera's reach beyond a few large U.S. metropolitan areas including New York and Washington, where about 4.7 million homes can now watch Al-Jazeera English.

Al-Jazeera, owned by the government of Qatar, plans to gradually transform Current into a network called Al-Jazeera America by adding five to 10 new U.S. bureaus beyond the five it has now and hiring more journalists. More than half of the content will be U.S. news and the network will have its headquarters in New York, spokesman Stan Collender said.

Collender said there are no rules against foreign ownership of a cable channel ? unlike the strict rules limiting foreign ownership of free-to-air TV stations. He said the move is based on demand, adding that 40 percent of viewing traffic on Al-Jazeera English's website is from the U.S.

"This is a pure business decision based on recognized demand," Collender said. "When people watch Al-Jazeera, they tend to like it a great deal."

Al-Jazeera has long struggled to get carriage in the U.S., and the deal suffered an immediate casualty as Time Warner Cable Inc., the nation's second-largest cable TV operator, announced it is dropping Current TV due to the deal.

"Our agreement with Current has been terminated and we will no longer be carrying the service. We are removing the service as quickly as possible," the company said in a statement.

Previous to Al-Jazeera's purchase, Current TV was in 60 million homes. It is carried by Comcast Corp., which owned less than a 10 percent stake in Current TV, as well as DirecTV. Neither company announced plans to drop the channel.

In 2010, Al-Jazeera English's managing director, Tony Burman, blamed a "very aggressive hostility" from the Bush administration for reluctance among cable and satellite companies to show the network.

Even so, Al-Jazeera has garnered respect for its ability to build a serious news product in a short time. In a statement announcing the deal, it touted numerous U.S. journalism awards it received in 2012, including the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award Grand Prize and the Scripps Howard Award for Television/Cable In-Depth Reporting.

But there may be a culture clash at the network. Dave Marash, a former "Nightline" reporter who worked for Al-Jazeera in Washington, said he left the network in 2008 in part because he sensed an anti-American bias there.

Current, meanwhile, began as a groundbreaking effort to promote user-generated content. But it has settled into a more conventional format of political talk television with a liberal bent. Gore worked on-air as an analyst during its recent election night coverage.

Its leading personalities are former New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Cenk Uygur, a former political commentator on MSNBC who hosts the show called "The Young Turks." Current signed Keith Olbermann to be its top host in 2011 but his tenure lasted less than a year before it ended in bad blood on both sides.

Current has largely been outflanked by MSNBC in its effort be a liberal alternative to the leading cable news network, Fox News Channel.

Current hired former CNN Washington bureau chief David Bohrman in 2011 to be its president. Bohrman pushed the network to innovate technologically, with election night coverage that emphasized a conversation over social media.

Current TV, founded in 2005 by former vice president Gore and Joel Hyatt, is expected to post $114 million in revenue in 2013, according to research firm SNL Kagan. The firm pegged the network's cash flow at nearly $24 million a year.


AP Television Writer David Bauder in New York contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Great Barrier Reef corals found at 410 feet

Even four times as deep as most scuba divers venture, the Great Barrier Reef ?blooms. A new exploration by a remote-operated submersible has found the reef's deepest coral yet.

The common coral Acropora is living 410 feet (125 meters) below the ocean's surface, a discovery that expedition leader Pim Bongaerts of the University of Queensland called "mind-blowing." The group had previously seen the coral living in the reef at a depth of about 200 feet (60 m).

Coral reefs are made of colonies of polyps which secret a rock-like exoskeleton. The polyps have a symbiotic relationship with algae that provide them nutrients using photosynthesis. Because this process requires light, coral reefs thrive in clear, relatively shallow water.

"The discovery shows that there are coral communities on the Great Barrier Reef existing at considerably greater depths than we could have ever imagined," Bongaerts said in a statement.

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Coral colonies
The 410-foot distance is surprising for the Great Barrier Reef, where scuba divers find stunning coral displays at depths down to 100 feet. But corals are known to live deep elsewhere. In the Gulf of Mexico, researchers have found the coral Lophelia pertusathriving 2,620 feet (799 m) down. Lophelia doesn't need sunlight to survive. In Puerto Rico, light-dependent corals survive as far down as 500 feet (150 m).

Bongaerts and his colleagues received funding from insurer the Catlin Group Limited to explore the Great Barrier Reef as part of an effort to understand how climate change is altering the oceans.

On the outer edge of the Ribbon Reefs, off the northern Great Barrier Reef, the researchers hit unusually calm seas and were able to deploy a remote-operated vehicle, or ROV, off the edge of the Australian continental shelf, where the ocean floor plummets hundreds of feet. It was a tough dive, said expedition member Paul Muir, a taxonomist from the Museum of Tropical Queensland. [ See Photos of the Deep Reef Corals ]

"With more than 250 meters of cable out to provide power and communications with the ROV, it was a real struggle to collect a specimen of one of these corals," Muir said in a statement.

The deep reef
The team persevered and brought one precious coral sample back to sea level. The specimen was Acropora , a type of coral that makes up the majority of most of the world's reefs. Typically, such corals peter out in the Great Barrier Reef above 330 feet (100 m), replaced by non-light-dependent sponges and sea fans.

"These discoveries show just how little we really know about the reef and how much more is yet to be discovered," Bongaerts said. "This poses lots of questions for us, but now we have specimens, we'll be able to analyze them much more closely and can expect our findings to reveal a far greater understanding of just what is going on to enable reef corals to survive at such extreme depths."

The Great Barrier Reef has been in decline, with half of it vanishing in the last 27 years, according to a study released in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last October. Climate change is boosting the temperature of the oceans, causing some of the damage. Another reef foe is the crown-of-thorns starfish, which eats coral. The starfish populations have exploded because of nutrient runoff from agricultural fertilizers.

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas or LiveScience @livescience. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

? 2012 All rights reserved.


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Google Glass features 'still in flux', no plans to display advertising on device

Google Glass features 'still in flux', 'no plans' to display advertising

It's been a few months since we heard anything new about Google Glass -- fortunately, IEEE Spectrum has managed to get a few questions answered by the project's lead, Babak Parviz. While noting that Google Now could be "very compelling" on the new hardware, he stopped short of saying that it would make an outing on the headset. There will, however, be a cloud-based API, which Parviz hopes will help to maintain a consistent user experience -- it's already been used to build both the email and calendar functions on Glass. Perhaps more importantly, when asked whether Google Glass would display advertising to its users, the project lead said that there were no plans for ads on the device. Google's keeping it vague with a precise feature list, but hardware-wise, Parviz says that the team is aiming for the headwear to last a full day on a single charge, with work still underway on head gestures -- still likely to be the least subtle input option alongside the (now patented) trackpad and voice commands. He added that the product is still on track to ship to those early 'explorers' early this year -- we're already polishing our glass block in anticipation.

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Via: PhoneArena

Source: IEEE Spectrum


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