Monday, October 8, 2012

How To Choose Your Blog's Domain Name and Hosting | Mad ...

The success of your blog depends greatly on your choice of web
hosting and your blog?s domain name as your domain name describes
your business.

Though free domains are tempting, it?s better to get a paid
domain for your blog as they are a more reliable option that
makes you work harder at establishing your blog as you had paid
for its domain.

Choose a domain name that has something related to your business
to help people easily recognize and remember the niche of your

Your domain name should be short, clear and memorable so that
people can easily remember them to type into the browser while
looking for your business.

You can use your name as your domain name if you run a personal
business as it makes it easier for you to build your online

It?s always better to choose and use a search engine friendly
domain name so that you can compete with others to get a place in
the top page search engine rankings.

While choosing your web host, it is important you choose one that
supports the script you use in your blog lest you end up spending
more time correcting technical issues instead of blogging.

Sign up only with reliable hosts who have a competent customer
support crew to help you, so that you don?t end up wasting time
fixing any problems you may have.

Choose a host based on your blogging needs, preferences and the
intended purpose of your blog as some people use blogs as a
personal journal while others use it to make money.

If you don?t know much about coding, it?s better to choose
hosting companies that offer simple and no set-up blog

With the help of these tips, you will be able to choose the right
domain name and hosting services that will help project your
blog?s online presence.

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