Thursday, September 13, 2012

Video: Marines sent to Libya

>> embassy attacks, let's go to pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski . i like to follow up on what richard engel was talking about and u.s. officials are looking very closely now at the possibility that this was a staged commando attack as richard implied in his report. and the fact is that, you know, ambassador stevens was known to pretty frequently travel in libya pretty openly with a fairly small security contingent. and it wouldn't have been out of the realm of possibility to have somebody within the libyan government known in advance where the ambassador was going to be that allowed this attack to occur at the same time. and again, following up on richard's report and a u.s. official told us, who brings an rpg and machine guns to a demonstration? a protest demonstration. so there are serious questions about exactly what went down. now, in terms of what is going on with the u.s. military , we're told by u.s. officials that as many as 200 marines it could be less but as many as 200 marines often amphibious aircraft carrier headed toward libya to bolster the u.s. security there at the embassy in tripoli. now, according to these officials, there are members of what are called the fast team. that's fleet anti-terrorism security teams. and it could be anywhere from 50 to 200 marines headed in that direction. in addition, they're also sending additional marines to other locations. it's suggested that that could include cairo and even kabul where we have seen these kind of anti-american sectarian-driven violent if not deadly demonstrations and attacks occur before.

>> security increased at embassies and various consulates around the world. for folks not as familiar with things like this as you are, how secure are the embassies and these consulates to begin with?

>> reporter: well, i mean, if you look at the history of these embassies and consulates, they're not exactly armed camps in most cases. now, you go to the embassy there in baghdad, that's an entirely different story. but that's a fortress if you want to call a spade a spade here but, in fact, these embassies can be very vulnerable to these kinds of demonstrations and attacks. because the marine corps contingent at these embassies is pretty small. they rely primarily on the structure itself to provide some level of protection. so in this case, there's in an effort and an overabundance of caution they're talking about sending additional marines to a number of embassies particularly throughout the middle east .

>> jim miklaszewski from the pentagon on this afternoon, thank you.


Megan Rossee NASA grenada grenada Sikh andy reid McKayla Maroney

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